What is fully adherent DBT and why does it matter?

NOT ALL DBT THERAPISTS ARE THE SAME. Some have a lot of training while others picked up a book of DBT skills and think some teaching DBT skills mean they are utilizing DBT.

To have a fully adherent DBT program means the DBT program utilizes DBT as it was developed and therefore, as it was tested.

Below are some, but not all, the things that distinguishes a fully adherent DBT program from other programs.

1.) A high level of training, usually the DBT intensive training offered by Behavioral Tech, the company Marsha LInehan, the inventor of DBT, is associated with.

2.) Utilizes all four components or pillars of comprehensive DBT: Individual therapy, skills training, coaching and consultation team.

3.) Emphasize the primary targets of DBT treatment, in this order: First decrease life threatening behaviors, second decrease therapy interfering behaviors, third decrease quality of life interfering behaviors.

4.) Includes stages 2 DBT treatment of processing trauma with DBT-Prolonged Exposure (DBT-PE) or with another trauma treatment.